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Mark Books

Book review editor, digital storyteller, inveterate scribbler of words, pictures and postcards.

Currently reading

Furious Cool
David Henry, Joe Henry
The Good Life Lab: Radical Experiments in Hands-On Living
Wendy Tremayne

Talking Heads' Fear of Music (33 1/3)

Fear of Music - Jonathan Lethem

No one loves Talking Heads third album, Fear of Music, more than Jonathan Lethem. No one. Ever. But if you love this album - with its grocery list of tracks - Cities, Air, Drugs, Electric Guitar, Mind, Paper ... then you're pretty much going to devour this book.

I fell in love with this album (album!) in the mid-80s, while on a road trip (ok, cassette recording) to a friends' wedding. Since that time I've been unable to shake "Heaven" as one of my favorite songs, impossibly attracted to this place where nothing ever happens.

"It's hard to imagine that nothing at all could be so exciting, could be this much fun."

Also the idea of everyone being there, and everyone leaving at exactly the same time (reminiscent of "New Feeling" on Talking Heads 77, in which I get to meet everyone all over again and bring them up to my room). Beautiful.